the Educational Procurement Card
EasyProcure OFFERS:
- A more efficient purchasing process
- Lower administrative costs
- Customized individual card controls
- Integration in existing accounting system
- Online access to payment allocation and reconciliation capabilities
- NO checks involved - one monthly payment from school's PSDLAF account
- An innovative revenue source to supplement your budget
- No fee PNC Bank Visa© purchasing card
- Rebates plus bonuses based on program spend from
June 1 through May 31 - Customized limitations on each card based on the cardholder's purchasing needs
Pennsylvania Rebate
Ohio Rebate

Save time and generate an EasyProcure rebate on your school's purchases!

EasyProcure offers rebates from the very first dollar that you spend! Rebates are based on the combined total of all participants' purchases, which can add up quickly.

Sponsoring Organizations
EasyProcure, LLC is a joint venture between the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA), Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO), Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA), Ohio Association of School Business Officals (OASBO), Buckeye Assocation of School Administrators (BASA), Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) and the Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund (PSDLAF).